There have been numerous occasions where the Be a Safety Kid lessons have produced positive results. Here are a few of the stories related to us.

  • A parent needed to bring her five year old to a middle school Open House because she did not have a babysitter for the evening. At the end of his presentation, the teacher gave out his phone number so that parents could contact him. The five year old told him he should not give out his phone number to people he did not know! The child then proceeded to explain that he also knew other safety tips, and promptly rattled off several others. The little boy ended his discourse by explaining that Charlie Check-First had taught him all of those tips!
  • Shortly after having received the lesson on Power NO: Guns, a fourth grader found a gun. His friend wanted him to see if it was real and to shoot it. The boy used some of the Refusal Skills he had learned so that he was able to refuse the pressure to play with the gun, and he went and told an adult. He said that the Be a Safety Kid lessons had helped him know what to do in that situation.
  • After the lesson on Power NO: Not OK Touch, two first grade girls went to the principal and cried and told him that for two weeks a first grade boy had been exposing himself under the table at lunch and threatening them if they did not look. The boy went into counseling and the girls did not have to endure that situation any longer.
  • After receiving this program on personal safety, a young girl was approached by someone she had seen before and enticed to get into the car. She knew what to do because the Check First program stressed the importance of not relying on the stranger concept.
  • In one town, the Be a Safety Kid material was taught during a summer safety program. The father of one of the children reported that his daughter went around singing the Charlie Check-First songs for weeks, thereby constantly reinforcing the safety concepts!

Testimonies such as these are not rare!

The feedback is very positive and it shows that the program is effective!